Energ’Ethic Podcast – 56 – How Unions are Shaping a Fair Transition to Renewables – Tuscany Bell

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What role do unions play in driving a fair transition to renewable energy? In this episode of Energ'Ethic, we explore this critical question with Tuscany Bell (https://www.linkedin.com/in/tuscany-bell-6216ab113/), Utility Sector Lead at the European...

What role do unions play in driving a fair transition to renewable energy?

In this episode of Energ’Ethic, we explore this critical question with Tuscany Bell, Utility Sector Lead at the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU).

In this episode of Energ’Ethic, we dive into the role of unions in driving a fair and inclusive transition to renewable energy. Tuscany Bell, Utility Sector Lead at the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU), shares insights on how unions shape the shift to renewables while ensuring workers are not left behind.

Tuscany explains why current mechanisms, like the Just Transition Fund, are too limited to meet the scale of the challenge.

She advocates for a Just Transition Directive that provides the necessary funding and policies to protect all workers—not just those in fossil fuel industries—as we move toward a cleaner energy future.

What’s at stake in the renewable energy shift?

With industries rapidly transitioning to renewables, a growing skills gap and an ageing workforce are major concerns. Tuscany discusses how unions are working to attract younger generations to the renewable energy sector by promoting training and ensuring that these new energy jobs are both fair and sustainable.

“We can’t leave people behind,” Tuscany says. “Without workers as part of the solution, we risk losing the support needed to achieve our climate goals.”

Promoting diversity in the renewable sector

Tuscany also highlights the need for greater gender diversity in the energy sector, which remains male-dominated. From advocating for inclusive hiring practices to improving working conditions, unions are leading efforts to create a more welcoming environment for women in the renewable energy workforce.

Union-led action for a renewable future

Collaboration is key. Tuscany emphasizes the importance of intergenerational knowledge transfer and how unions are partnering with NGOs and other stakeholders to ensure the transition to renewables is fair, democratic, and beneficial for all.

“Unions are critical to defending workers’ rights, and they must be involved in creating transition plans that work for everyone,” she says.

Key takeaways:

  • Why a comprehensive Just Transition Directive is needed to ensure a fair shift to renewable energy.

  • How unions are addressing the skills gap in the renewable energy sector.

  • The critical role of gender diversity in creating a more inclusive renewable energy workforce.

  • How intergenerational collaboration is helping preserve vital skills for the renewable energy transition.

Tune in to hear how unions are ensuring the renewable energy transition is fair, inclusive, and just for all workers.

This episode is brought to you by the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Europe’s largest network of environmental groups, working to fight for sustainable development, environmental justice, and a voice for citizens in shaping a greener future. Find here the EEB report on How Renewables can Help Regions Move Beyond Fossil Industries.

Don’t forget to tune in to the rest of our mini-series with the EEB where we explore the role of renewables in building a fair, inclusive energy future across Europe.

Tune in to learn more about the energy transition and the people making it happen!

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Reach out to Marine Cornelis via X @MarineCornelis or LinkedIn
Music: I Need You Here – Kamarius
Edition: Podcast Media Factory 

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© Next Energy Consumer, 2024

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