Publications & Interviews
Research papers, reports and articles
*Find Marine’s research and academic papers on Academia, ResearchGate, Google Scholars and Orchid.
Energy justice, ADR, Ombudsmen and consumer rights
- Unlocking the Potential of Digital Alternative Dispute Resolution. Research conducted for the Trust Alliance Group, 2024
- Energising equality: unveiling diversity’s role in the sustainable energy sector, CEENERGY News, January 2024
- The right to energy, in Energy Poverty Handbook, The Greens/EFA, September 2022
- Enforcing energy rights to promote energy justice, Israel Public Policy Institute (IPPI), 14 July 2022
- Ombudsman Services Potential for Expansion State of the Nation report (unpublished)
- Toolkit on the right to energy. (editor) ENGAGER Working Group 3, October 2021
- Access to Justice for Vulnerable and Energy-Poor Consumers: Just Energy?, Creutzfeldt, N., Gill, C., Cornelis, M., et al., Hart Publishing 2021
- Fit-for-55 Package: ¿Qué les espera a los consumidores de energía en Europa?, Ombudsman Energia Mexico, Mexico, July 2021
- ¿Cómo andamos con los derechos del consumidor?, Ombudsman Energia Mexico, Mexico, April 2021
- Energy consumer rights in EU Law, EUSEW (European Commission), 25 May 2020
- Leaving no one in the dark, neither today nor tomorrow, Cornelis M. & Carrasco A., EurActiv, EU, 4 May 2020
- No dejes a nadie en la oscuridad, ni hoy ni mañana, Cornelis M. & Carrasco A., El Periodico de la Energia, Spain, 14 April 2020
- Protección al consumidor en el sector energético Antecedentes y mejores prácticas de Europa, Ombudsman Energia Mexico, December 2018
- ADR in 24 Countries : Mediators and Ombudsmen Who can mediate? Is there a law that defines who can perform mediation, 2018
- How Can Regulators Benefit from Independent Ombudsmen and ADR Provider Expertise? Nov 26, 2015, ICER Chronicle
- EU’s energy union presents new challenges for consumers 13 April 2015, The Parliament Magazine
Just transition, energy poverty, inclusivity, gender and housing policies
- Energy is a Right Shaping the Transition, Energy Traders Europe, May 2024
Alimentare l’ingiustizia: Affrontare l’escalation della crisi della povertà energetica in mezzo al tumulto climatico, in Tempo di Responsabilità, Feltrinelli, 2024
Social safeguards: the key to a successful renovation wave, CINEA/European Sustainable Energy Week EUSEW 2023, March 2023
- How to Avoid a Renoviction Wave? FEANTSA, December 2022
- Heat or eat: Rising energy poverty in Europe, ENLIT World, November 2022
- The Renovation Wave: the issue of home renovations in addressing energy poverty, Israel Public Policy Institute (IPPI), 9 May 2022
- Unfolding energy poverty in the European context, Israel Public Policy Institute (IPPI/heinrich böll stiftung Tel Aviv), 6 April 2022
- Energy Poverty (Re)Invented? Concept and Regulatory Gaps in the EU Amidst the Decarbonisation Process. Kottari M., Cornelis M. (2022) In: Rubio-Bellido C., Solis-Guzman J. (eds) Energy Poverty Alleviation. Springer, Cham.
- Energy poverty is a multifaceted global problem: It’s time to involve all stakeholders across all regions, Enlit World, 11 March 2022
- Toolkit on a just transition with the people (editor) ENGAGER Working Group 4, October 2021
- Europe – Energy – Climate: The quest for the clean energy transition in the EU, Agnieszka E. Rządkowska (ed), Chapter 2.8. Energy poverty policies – European framework and national responses, M. Cornelis, 2021
- How to become an ally to overcome vulnerability, a Just Energy Toolkit, September 2021
- Confronting Energy Poverty in Europe: A Research and Policy Agenda, Bouzarovski, S.; Thomson, H.; Cornelis, M., 2021
- New narratives and actors for citizen-led energy poverty dialogues, COST Engager, September 2020
- Towards an inclusive energy transition in the European Union: Confronting energy poverty amidst a global crisis, Bouzarovski S, Thomson H, Cornelis M, Varo A and Guyet R, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020, ISBN 978-92-76-19635-8, doi: 10.2833/103649, EU Energy Poverty Observatory.
- Fiducia e coinvolgimento per contrastare la povertà energetica, Rivista Energia, Italy, 15 June 2020
- Energy Poverty, EUSEW (European Commission), 10 June 2020
- COVID-19 e povertà energetica: è il momento di un diritto all’energia, Rivista Energia, Italy, 13 May 2020
- Energy poverty will increase with the COVID-19 crisis. Time for a right to energy!, COST Engager, 6 May 2020
- Transforming Energy Poverty Policies in The European Union: Second Annual Report of The European Union Energy Poverty Observatory (by Bouzarovski, Thomson et al.): Analysis of the Energy poverty strategies within the 28 Draft National Energy and Climate Plans, Energy Poverty Observatory 2020
- Ristrutturazione e riqualificazione: rilanciare l’economia partendo dalla casa, Rivista Energia, Italy, 1 June 2020
- The Social and Local Dimensions of Governance of Energy Poverty: Adaptive Responses to State Remoteness, Creutzfeldt, N., Cornelis, M., et al. Journal of Consumer Policy 2020
- Per un’Europa giusta contro la povertà energetica Clima Europa, Italy, 2019
- Moving beyond the state of the art in energy poverty measurement, COST Engager (edited by Sareen and Thomson), 2019: Complaint services metrics
- In Francia una nuova legge sull’energia e sul clima per contrastare la povertà energetica, CanaleEnergia, Italy, 2019
- Policy overview on the development of energy policy & vulnerability at EU level December 10, 2018, ESRC Just Energy
Digitalisation, AI and Prosumerism: energy communities, demand-side management and flexibility
- Advisor for the European Economic and Social Committee Own-Initiative Opinion: Energy Digitalisation: Balancing Opportunities and Risks for European Consumers, 2024
- Demand-side Flexibility to Address Household Energy Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa, Chapter 17 of Living with Energy Poverty: Perspectives from the Global North and South (ed. Paola Velasco Herrejón, Breffní Lennon, Niall P. Dunphy) Taylor & Francis, Dec 1, 2023
- Energy Digitisation as a Consumer Empowerment Tool: Opportunities and Risks, in Making Production and Consumption Sustainable: A Global Challenge for Legislative Policies. Case Law and Contractual Practices. Guidelines for Changing Markets, Editors: L. Ruggeri and K. Zabrodina, SGEM WORLD SCIENCE Vienna, Austria
- Energy digitisation as a tool for consumer empowerment: opportunities and risks, Chapter 5 of Making Production and Consumption Sustainable: A Global Challenge for Legislative Policies. Case Law and Contractual Practices. Guidelines for Changing Markets edited by L. Ruggeri e K. Zabrodina
- Digitalizzazione dell’energia come strumento di empowerment dei consumatori: opportunità e rischi, in Produzione e consumo sostenibili tra politiche legislative e prassi adattive a cura di Lucia Ruggeri e Adele Emilia Caterini
- Let’s boost prosumerism! Models and state of play, CINEA/European Sustainable Energy Week EUSEW 2022, 2 September 2022
- D15.2 – Capacity building plan and Local flexibility market specification LEAP-RE WP15 (EURICA). Focus on Madagascar, Burkina Faso, Cameroon
- Home Is Where You’ll Find Net-Zero, Accidental European, 16 November 2020
- Energy communities and the democratisation process, EUSEW (European Commission), 18 June 2020
Policies, finance, and governance: energy trends, efficiency, markets
- What is sustainable finance?, Israel Public Policy Institute (IPPI), 26 September 2022
- Povertà energetica e decarbonizzazione: gli obiettivi sono complementari, RiEnergia, Italy, August 2021
- Energy efficiency in households: navigating the customer journey, EUSEW (European Commission), 20 May 2020
- Europa y los consumidores digitales, Ombudsman Energia Mexico, Mexico, May 2020
- Europa quiere consumidores sustentables, Ombudsman Energia Mexico, Mexico, May 2020
- Energy efficiency, the overlooked climate emergency solution, Ekonomicheskaya Politika, Russia, April 2020
- Los 10 puntos del Pacto Verde Europeo, Ombudsman Energia Mexico, Mexico, January 2020
- Towards a Mediterranean Electricity Market Observatory: Regional Overview, MEDREG, January 2020
- Desinversión de las fuentes fósiles, Ombudsman Energia Mexico, Mexico, December 2019
- Sustainability, the New Normal Episode 2, April 2024
- ARTE Europe, l’Hebdo. Energie et précarité : l’UE dans le rouge, January 2024
- Podcast Foresight: Policy Dispatch, December 2022: Affordable energy for all
- Podcast The Europeans, January 2022: Energy bills, bills, bills
- Podcast EU Conundrum, April 2020: Le Pacte Vert pour l’Europe
- FSR Energy and Climate, November 2019: Putting Citizens at the Centre of the Energy Transition, Spotlight on Marine Cornelis, Executive Director of Next Energy Consumer
- Renewable Energy Investment in Africa Could Slash Poverty, The Borgen Project, September 2023
- Marine Cornelis: senza giustizia, non c’è transizione green, She is a scientist, May 2023
- La redefinición del mercado eléctrico europeo, Ombudsman Energía México A.C., March 2023
- European School The Hague – Silver Certificate Ceremony, January 2023
- Foro Español de Energía Limpia FEL2050: la presidencia española de la UE, ante el reto y la obligación de cambiar el modelo energético, el Periódico de la Energia, 31 January 2023
- Efficienza e risparmio contro la povertà energetica: il report FEANTSA, CanaleEnergia, 6 December 2022
- More than 30 million Europeans Live in Energy Poverty, EU Fact Check, 16 June 2022
- Ed’s note: Energy poverty in our own backyard, Smart Energy International, 22 February 2022
- Europe’s energy crisis: How can consumers reduce their electricity bills this winter?, Euronews
- Mobilità sostenibile, energia per il futuro, cibo sano e senza sprechi, Fondazione Feltrinelli, 2021
- Povertà energetica e decarbonizzazione: gli obiettivi sono complementari, RiEnergia, Italy, August 2021
- Cambiare punto di vista per dialogare, e aiutare, i poveri energetici, Interview for CanaleEnergia, Italy, 16 October 2020
- Fiducia e coinvolgimento per contrastare la povertà energetica, Rivista Energia, Italy, 15 June 2020
- Putting Citizens at the Centre of the Energy Transition
Spotlight on Marine Cornelis, Executive Director of Next Energy Consumer, FSR Energy & Climate, 15 October 2019