Blog Author: Marine Cornelis

Technology to make aviation more sustainable, with Jean Paquin, SAF+

Technology to make aviation more sustainable, with Jean Paquin, SAF+

In this episode of Energ’Ethic, Jean Paquin talks about his vision of the evolution of the airline industry and how, out of a sense of duty to the planet and to his children, he managed to convince airlines to support and grow his project. He reminds us that moving away from fossil fuels is a difficult journey and that synthetic fuels are only a temporary solution before fully energy-efficient solutions are developed.

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Sustainable Finance with Kestutis Kupsys
Green finance

Level the playing field and making finance serve society and the planet, a discussion with Kęstutis Kupšys, European Economic and Social Committee

How can we successfully level the political playing field and bring in the voices of civil society, including those of small countries? How can we ensure that finance benefits citizens and works to repair the planet? Kęstutis Kupšys, European Economic and Social Committee, shares his insights on sustainable finance in this new episode of Energ’Ethic.

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Housing policies with Stefan Bouzarovski and Manon Burbidge
Energy Justice & ADR

Housing policies should focus on the people who live in them, talking with Stefan Bouzarovski and Manon Burbidge, ENPOR project

Is the Renovation Wave on track to address the complexity of fuel poverty? European policies seem to be getting a better grasp of the phenomenon. Still, even today, although energy poverty and vulnerability are getting more and more attention from European policymakers, many factors remain entirely unexplored. This is particularly the case for the private rented sector. In this episode of the Energ’Ethic Podcast, we will discuss this issue with Manon Burbidge and Professor Stefan Bouzarovski.

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Co Women, Berlin
Energy Justice & ADR

European strategies for gender-inclusive energy and climate transitions: where do we stand?

When the ASSET project coordinators asked me to present women’s role in European energy transition policies, I assumed the task would be relatively simple. After all, inclusivity is one of the core principles of the European Union! I learned that much more needs to be done to overcome gender barriers and allow the EU to be explicitly feminist and intersectional.

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About Me

#EUClimatePact ambassador.
Next Energy Consumer founder and executive director. Consultant & policy-shaker.

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