Heating oil in the USA
How do we reconcile social, economic and environmental issues in the context of the US heating oil industry? Listen to this episode with Tom Butcher from NORA
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How do we reconcile social, economic and environmental issues in the context of the US heating oil industry? Listen to this episode with Tom Butcher from NORA
The US and EU energy landscapes still look very different. The US grid remains highly dependent on fossil fuels, with more than 60% of electricity generation coming from coal, gas or petroleum products. Besides, 5 million people still use liquid fuels…
In September 2022, the Greens/EFA launched the second edition of the Energy Poverty Handbook. Marine wrote on the Right to Energy.
Tedd Moya Moses explains the importance of the law in creating the right standards to allow the greatest number of people to access energy while respecting the limits of our planet. At the end, “we all live under the same sun”
“We all live under the same sun”
In this fascinating discussion, Tedd Moya Mose, a lawyer, academic, and consultant at the University of Oxford, looks at the power of law to broaden access to electricity worldwide. From his experience as a lawyer in Ke…
At SSPCR 2022 (EURAC) Marine Cornelis shared some thoughts on transforming anger into action, the importance of citizenship and finding joy in climate action
It has been a privilege to lead panel 3 of the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (eceee) summer study with Rod Janssen and Sophie Shnapp of Energy in
ENEL X has been developing solutions for households for several years. Find more about the initiative #UnPannelloinPiù with Legambiente
How can solar electricity be made more attractive and affordable to households? What role can an energy giant play for the most vulnerable households?
Increasing the amount of renewable energy, especially solar, in the energy mix has become a priorit…
BEUC’s Director General shares her thoughts on sustainability and putting the consumer at the driving seats in this new episode of Energ’Ethic
#EUClimatePact ambassador.
Next Energy Consumer founder and executive director. Consultant & policy-shaker.