Per un’Europa giusta contro la povertà energetica
Grazie ClimaEuropa, il manifesto per l’Europa con al centro l’azione per il clima e un Green New Deal europeo.
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Grazie ClimaEuropa, il manifesto per l’Europa con al centro l’azione per il clima e un Green New Deal europeo.
The expansion of the line has enabled a dialogue between the key players in the east of Paris and catalysed a process of rethinking local development in a deprived area of the French capital.
A very engaging workshop thanks to all the participants!
This article was originally written for the ESRC JustEnergy website. Naomi and I participated in the conference “Consumer ADR: Delivering fairness and justice for consumers,
Italian energy consumers deserve better than an overlooked energy poverty policy and suffer from significant gaps in governance. The highly fragmented responses fail to prevent the increase of energy poverty and climate change issues. The current mitigation system is not enough to address the phenomena, and as suggested by the European Clean Energy for All package, efforts should be put in structured energy efficiency and long term consumer empowerment. The first victims of the fragmented responses are the households affected by energy poverty.
Egemone Consulting asked me to be the “expert of the month” of January 2019.
Feedbacks on the COST Engager conference “#Energypoverty, clean energy, and the European energy divide” in Bucharest
In April 2018, the European Commission proposed the so-called “New Deal for Consumers” in order to strengthen EU consumer rights and enforcement. The measures of the New Deal should have an impact on the level of protection and redress for all consumers throughout Europe.
New measures agreed at the end of 2018 put the consumer at the center of clean energy transition and give more protection to the poorest and more vulnerable energy consumers.
In December 2018, the Mexican Energy Ombudsman asked me to write a special edition of its monthly magazine, focusing on energy consumer protection in Europe:
#EUClimatePact ambassador.
Next Energy Consumer founder and executive director. Consultant & policy-shaker.